Library Resources

Welcome to the Resource Centre
Teacher Librarian: Mrs. L. Nogalo 
The Library Resource Centre is the hub of learning at Holy Trinity High School. The newly updated collection of reference books supports the Ontario Curriculum in all subject areas and the latest hot new fiction titles are always available. Older fiction is also for sale; with proceeds going to purchase new library resources. Teacher Librarian Mrs. Nogalo is available to assist students with research, formatting essays, and even proofreading.   nogalo


COMPUTER  Holy Trinity High School is on the cutting edge of online research. With our new computer labs we have access to thousands of great resources
through EBSCO, an online database. Science, literature and hot current event topics can all be researched through valid, reputable sources such as journals, recent newspaper/magazine articles as well as full text books. To enhance your research experience learn how to use EBSCO host. Drop by the library to see Mrs. Nogalo for a quick tutorial. To research at home with EBSCO use the school's login- Username: hths Password: research.
EBSCOhost - Select New Service Screen (All Resources) 
EBSCOhost Web (Choose Databases Screen) 
Literary Reference Center 

If you need assistance with research and citations 

go to the Perdue Online Writing Lab

whitepine  White Pine Forest of Readers

Get involved with the White Pine book club. Holy Trinity participates in this award program of Canadian Teen Fiction. Listen to the announcements for the arrival of this year’s nominations. Join the White Pine Forest Of Readers and read some hot new Canadian fiction.