Mission and Vision Statement


We, the family that make up Holy Trinity Catholic High School, consider our responsibility as three-fold: To Prophesize, to Reconcile, and to Minister.

Our first responsibility is to be a Prophet and spread the good news of the gospel to all we encounter. In this we are called to be different, to be a believer and to focus towards the true centre of our lives - Jesus.

We must also Reconcile ourselves with today’s society. We understand that through the gospel we can establish a vital dialogue with our community. It is our ongoing commitment to strive for a complete contribution to the world in which we live. At Holy Trinity our challenge is to be comprehensive in the preparation of our continuous search for wholeness.

We realize that to be a complete person we must be a Minister. There is no greater contribution we can make than to serve without prejudice or condemnation and to be a conduit to cooperation and sharing amongst all people. It is through giving and self-sacrifice that we will know the true essence and happiness of life.

It is our mission to be all this. Please do all you can to foster and promote this commitment.

From this Vision Statement we have committed ourselves to the following five Strategic Directions:

~ Support faith formation, individually and as a community, as we strive to live and model the Gospel values.

~ Promote learning to allow each individual to create meaning and understanding in their lives, in an environment which respects each individual.

~ Champion continuous improvement through effective planning and optimal use of our resources in response to ongoing political, economic and societal influences.

~ Foster relationships with individuals and groups that make up our school and extended communities, enabling the Board to meet the needs of all the students we serve.

~ Communicate effectively and accurately to enable all of us to promote the core values of the Catholic school system.