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Scent Awareness Program
Published on Apr 12, 2018 18:15

April 12, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians:

This letter is to inform you that a Scent-Safe Workplace program is now in place for all schools at the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board. This means that we are asking for the cooperation of students, staff and visitors in not using scented products at Holy Trinity.

We know that allergies and sensitivities to scents can have health implications, which can range from mild to severe and can even result in hospitalization. As a Catholic community, we must do everything possible to nurture a sense of belonging and inclusiveness by ensuring that those who have allergies and sensitivities are safe and fully included at school and work.

A scent is a smell or odour from products and it can be natural such as flowers or synthetic such as perfume. Fragrances or scents are found in a wide range of products including perfume, essential oils, aftershave, deodorant, soap, air fresheners, fabric softeners, detergents, flowers and candles. As part of our board’s Scent-Safe Workplace program, we are strongly encouraging all students and visitors to avoid or reduce the use of scented products.  

What can you do to help?
Discuss this issue with your children and be considerate of those who are sensitive to fragrances or scents. Help your child understand the importance of avoiding the use of these products in the school. If fragrances or scented products must be used, do so sparingly. A general guideline for fragrances and scented products is that they should not be detectable more than an arm's length away from you.

Please understand that this issue is not about you as a person or about your choice of fragrance or scent, but it is about the adverse reaction the use of the product may cause. The success of our program will depend upon the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of everyone within the school community.

Not using scented products is a simple thing to do and it will help to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all of our students and staff. We thank you for your cooperation.

For more information, you can check out our YouTube video!


Brian McKenzie
